Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thank you

I read not to long ago that the famous philosophy of Rene Descartes is only half of the truth: I think therefore I am. In a somewhat incomplete nut shell this means that our existence is contingent to our own consciousness. The other half of the pie is everyone else's consciousnesses. Of course we as Christians believe it doesn't stop with just a two dimensional pie rather we as humans live in a three dimensional consciousness, i.e. spherical. The third part to our spherical existences is the consciousness of God.

As you may well know, Leslie and I are perpetually celebrating the beginning of new life with the addition of a new little Pendleton in our family. As we believe, God has already had our new little one in his conscious for some time now. Also, we know through the mysteries of modern science that the life forming in Leslie's tummy has already started forming synapses and conscious development. The only piece left is in the consciousness of us, those who have yet to meet this new person. That is where Leslie and I come in. We are here on this small spot of the infiniteness of the virtual world to clue you in on how this baby is starting to impact the world we live in, consequently creating new and more meaningful existences for all of us.

So for those of you interested in becoming part of the discovery and development of our new and anticipated addition, I say thank you. Thank you for caring enough to keep up with us and for contributing to the meaningfulness of this time in our (all three) lives. We will do our best to update frequently enough so that the joys and
woes can be shared amongst all.

Love and Sincerity,

Aaron and Leslie


  1. I'm so glad y'all are blogging!! I love watching all the nieces and nephews via blogs coming from Shreveport, Dallas, Atlanta, Jackson, and now Metairie! Thanks!

  2. If the rest of the world were only 10 percent as thoughtful, committed and responsible about parenthood as you two are, the world would have no problems.
    God bless all three of you...
